Saturday, July 23, 2011

In Season: Peaches

Is there a fruit as divine as the peach? I remember standing in the kitchen of Whitehall Co-op in Austin, TX with R two years ago. He pulled an organic white peach out of the fridge and said I had to have it. He was smiling one of those smiles like he'd just uncovered something huge and wonderful and his life was forever changed. One bite and I was in pure heaven. Even after living in Indonesia, where the mangoes taste like candy, I can't forget the juicy sweetness of that peach. 

Reap the Benefits:
> packed with potassium
> high in antioxidants
> excellent source of vitamin A
> good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene

Peaches: A History
Peaches were mentioned in Chinese writings as far back as 10th century BC and were a favored fruit of kings and emperors. Alexander the Great introduced the fruit into Europe after he conquered the Persians.

How to Select & Store:
Choose peaches that are firm to the touch, but whose flesh will yield to gentle pressure. A good indicator of maturity is a well-defined cleft in the shape of the peach. Avoid those with any hint of green as they will never fully ripen. Although peaches will continue to ripen after being plucked from the tree, the sugar production ceases once plucked and will not increase even though the fruit may soften.

Eat Up!
Peaches & Cream by Sometimes I "Veg"
Peach Papaya Smoothie by Healthy Happy Life
Fruit Salad with Chia Seeds
Peach & Blueberry Breakfast Quinoa by Couscous & Conciousness
Peach Tofu Salad @ Book of Yum
Breakfast Bowl with Oat Bran, Peaches, Blueberries and Pistachios by Vegan On The Go Go

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